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Kumon Maths – 6A




Your child is currently on Kumon maths level 6A and here is a video to support you:


The aim of level 6A is for students to read and easily recite numbers up to 10 and to recognise the number of pictures or dots by counting.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Kumon Maths – 5A




Your child is currently on Kumon maths level 5A and here is a video to support you:


The aim of level 5A is for students to read numbers and number tables up to 50 and eventually be able to recite numbers up to 50 easily. Students should also become familiar with numbers up to 100.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Kumon Maths – 4A – 3A70




Your child is currently on Kumon maths level 4A or 3A up to 3A70, here are some videos to support you:


General Instructions Points for 4A – 3A70


Further information:



3A 1-70:


The aim of level 4A and 3A 1-70 is to enhance students’ skills to write number up to 120 and to deepen their understanding of number sequence through number reading and writing.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Kumon Maths – 3A 71 – 200




Your child is currently on Kumon maths level 3A71, here are some videos to support you:


Design of 3A 71-200:


How to improve works skills and concentration (speed and number writing):


Ideal image of your child to aim for when they reach level A in maths:


Level 3A aims for students to use the number recognition and sequencing skills to develop the abilities for adding 1 through adding 3.


Please let me know if you have any questions.



Kumon – Maths – 2A




Your child is currently on Kumon maths level 2A, here are some videos to support you:


2A – How to instruct New Learning Focus sets:


How to improve works skills and concentration (speed and number writing):


Ideal image of your child to aim for when they reach level A in maths:


Level 2A aims to further develop students’ basic addition skills through adding 4 to 10, based on their skills for adding up to 3.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

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